
As soon as you have a host, you have an Internet
It is:
This name can be advertised as your address. However, if you ever change hosts (for better pricing, faster connections,
better service, etc.) all advertising will be lost because your address will now be: http://www.newhost.com/yourname.
Anyone trying to locate your site will be unable to do so. You must now start over with a new advertising campaign.
The reason you have this name as soon as you have selected your host is because each host has registered their
name with Internic and you become a subset of that name.
There is a really good solution to this website address problem. You can get your own .com, .net, .org, .bix, .tv,
etc. name. When you do, you now have not only a name you can take with you to a new host, but also email addresses
as well. Each .com, etc. address gets its very own email addresses too.
When you have your own name, your address becomes: http://www.yourname.com
(or .net, .org. .mil and .gov are reserved for the military and government respectively).
Where do I get my name?
Internet domain names can be purchased from several different registrars. These exist all over the world.
Network Solutions, Inc. used to be the only place to purchase one from in the U.S. Each registrar offers different
pricing and different interfaces. Most have online account management features. The service is the same no matter
where you purchase a name. Gandi.net in France is one of the lowest priced registrars, and as of this writing,
Network Solutions is still the highest priced.
Each person or company on the net with an address ending with .com, .net, .org, .gov, or .mil purchased that name
from a registrar. The cost of getting an Internet name at Network Solutions, is $70 for the 1st two years and $35
per year after that. Gandi currently charges 12DM per year which is currently about $11.00 USD with a 1 year minimum.
This name is yours as long as you maintain the fees. Note: be
sure to keep the payments up or you are subject to losing your name. Many well known sites have lost their names,
simply because they didn't pay on time.
An Internet name is more than a name. It is also an address. This means that when a person surfing the net looks
for your name, that "search name" is then looked up in the Internet database and the website address
for your name is returned to the browser to
know how to connect you to your website.
Each website, therefore, must reside on a computer connected to the net somewhere in the world. This computer is
your Internet host. In order to register a name, you must have a host.
Many website design firms and hosting companies charge for registering a name for you. We do not charge for either
submitting your registration form or for being your name host. This means that your domain name cost will be just
the simple charge until you have a website actually setup ready to host visitors. |

No high pressure tactics, no gimmicks or gadgets, no black hat techniques.
Integrity is our bottom line. We employ white hat techniques and specialize in relationships with individuals and
companies that want more than just a web presence. We guide you through the vast Internet maze while demystifying
the process. If Internet sales of your product or service is what you want -
not just traffic or a high ranking - you have come to the right place!
All backed with knowledge -
Gained from years of experience, being in the website business since 1996, and our outstanding customer service.